Please note: you are always advised to consult a medical doctor before commencing any exercise programme or diet. This page is not a substitute for medical or other specialist advice.

Ist Key: having a positive goal is, in the long run, a better form of motivation than moving away from something, as what we attract what we focus on whether or not what we focus on is something we want or don’t want. So imagine being a healthy, slim person

2nd Key: temporary diets don’t work. You need to adopt healthy, alkaline eating and exercise for ever. The key is to change what you eat - not cut down on what you eat overall.

1) Create a compelling vision of yourself as you will be. Use all six senses to create an image that really, really inspires you. See yourself in the picture. Brighten/ darken, sharpen/ soften, distance/ bring closer, make louder/quieter, and relocate feelings etc. to make that picture more compelling. Write down your target weight and when you will achieve it.

2) Identify living values and beliefs. Is health high up your list of life values? Ask what does food mean to you, and dissociate any old association with love and comfort? Make sure health is right at the top of what is important to you.

3) Develop a clear strategy. YOU NEED BOTH HEALTHY EATING AND EXERCISE. Keeping weight off is about using more energy than you take in, so that your body now burns off your excess fat reserves. Below are some key ingredients of any successful strategy.

a) Eat lots of raw vegetables (see information on alkaline principles below) b) drink lots of pure water c) always have a good breakfast d) take appropriate multivitamin and mineral supplements - colloidial is best e) 10 minutes of exercise EVERY day plus 30 minutes of aerobic exercise three times a week f) cut down on carbohydrates and cut out sugar g) consider food combining. (See below for details of the alkaline diet - the ultimate way to keep your energy up and weight down.)

4) Build confidence. Find role models who have done what you will do. Discern the critical components of their strategy. Believe that there is no failure, only feedback.. Plan measurable, achievable goals and set a timescale – don’t expect to lose more than 3Ibs per week. You need to have a plan and strategy, but accept that these may have to change in the light of experience.

5) Take massive action. Create momentum by taking the plunge. Motivation increases when you know you are on your way to success. The present moment is all you have. Live fully now!

6) Tell it as it is. You cannot change what you don’t acknowledge. If you realise that you are going after a goal for the wrong reasons, then change your reasons or change the goal. If your strategy is taking you towards failure then refocus on your outcome and create a new strategy now. Face the feedback – don’t avoid it. NLP is about deciding a goal, trying something, seeing what happens then adjusting what you do accordingly. In the words of the wonderful Aaliyah song - "if at first you don't succeed try again" - but try something different until you get your result.

7) Use self hypnosis. Relax, be aware of you body and breathing and then ask your unconscious mind (which is the body) to lose a specific amount of weight by a specific time.

8) Celebrate! Reinforce every step to success with praise and a non-food treat.


If you read one book on health this decade make it 'Sick and Tired - Reclaiming Your Inner Terrain' by Robert O Young (Woodland Publishing). Or you could read his latest book 'The PH Miracle' (Time Warner). His books represent perhaps the most radical and provocative step forward in biology for decades.

Dr Young argues that excess fat is the body's way of protecting itself from excess acid. And most of the staples of the Western diet lead to excess acidity in the body. This explains how people who don't necessarily eat that much end up sick and tired. Tony Robbins (the great US sucess coach) supports Dr Young's approach - and Tony has even admitted that he has had to change his approach to weight loss as a result. Celestine Prophecy fans may know that James Redfield is a very enthusiastic supporter.

Put very simply you can gain energy and lose weight (and keep it off) fast by following all these six steps.

1) Most important - make 80% of your diet vegetables (and potatoes don't count!) - and do it so that 40% of your diet is raw vegetables, 40% steamed.

2) Cut out sugar and cut right down on foods that quickly become sugar. Keep sweet fruits (i.e. anything other then avocado, tomatoes, lemons, limes, non-sweet grapefruit) and carbohydrate within the 20% of your diet.

3) Within the 20%, you can have brazil nuts, almonds, walnuts, yeast-free bread, tofu, freshwater fish (e.g. trout and salmon), a little turkey, fresh grains. (This list is not exhaustive!)

4) Cut meat, dairy and anything with yeast to almost zero.

5) Cut alcohol right down - make it very infrequent (better still - cut it out), cut out coffee in any form, and avoid caffeine teas. Drink lots of water (4 litres a day). Alkaherb, by Oregon, is an alkalising drink that is much better than acid forming tea or coffee.

6) Drink alkaline water (e.g. Innerlight's SuperGreens and Prime PH - see

It's easier than you think, even though it's totally different to how 99% of us used to eat until we read Dr Young's work. Most people think they are eating well if they eat 20% veggies. But 80%! Dr Young argues that all disease is linked to acid diets (i.e. full of meats, grains, starchy food).

Try it for a month and notice how much energy you feel, and how your weight gets into balance. E-mail for advice, or for a coaching session to get you started. I believe in this passionately and am delighted to help. You don't have to be perfect, every step in the right direction counts. Some people have noticed benefits just from having alkaline water (e.g. SuperGreens and Prime PH - email me for details).

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